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Queen W and a Directioner.

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Hey ! 

That date is getting closer , nearer and im still waiting . 

To be honest , im eagerly waiting . 

It's PT3's result 😭 . 

Yes . Im a PT3's candiates . 

I mean , Im a victim . 

Im so scared , if i keep thiking what will i get for my result . Either it is bad or vice versa . 

But at the same time , i cant wait for that day . 

I want to know , what will i get after i did kinda lots of efforts . 

Are my efforts are all enough for me to get a better result ? 

And on that date too  , 

I cant wait to meet my one and only Perfection . 

I do miss her a lot . Lot . Lot . And lot . 

I want to hug her .

Its been a while i didnt hug her . 

I love to hug and to be hugged . 

It comforts me as well . 

I cant wait to meet you  ♡

I cant . 

I miss you so much . 

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