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Queen W and a Directioner.

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Love .
"Distance didnt mean everything , if our heart attached forever" - Queen W . 

So , its a must if we're going through our life with friends or a friend . 

We must have at least ONE . 

But for me , i have many friends . 

But , its hard for me to figure who is my the only friend . 

Nah .. Im going to share about my friends or at the same time , i could called them my best friend .

If the word "bestiest" exists . I will use it to describe how wonderful they are for me . 

I got 6 friends that suddenly came into my life and taught that life wasnt easy . 

Life cant be perfect as you desire . 

Bcs i have Aishah , Nasuha , Azrina , Ainaa , Amani , Yusal . 

Aishah - the girl who always be with me through my thick and thin . 

Nasuha - the girl that always give me inspiring words and keep supporting me . 

Azrina - the girl who always helps me if i hve problem(s) . 

Ainaa - the girl that always accompany me to anywhere and be good to me . 

Amani - the girl who always be a good motivator and a good ear for me . 

Yusal - the girl that always have a high patience on me and never give up on me . 

Too much things to describe about them . 

But let me keep in my deepest heart . 

They didnt show their love on me in reality , 

They showed me in slightly actions . 

6 dont enough . 

But when being with them , 

I swear i coundnt ask for more things . 

In reality , in this year , 

I did every single thing with each of them . 

They helped me a lot . 

They showed me that i couldnt have everything i want , but i can have anything i need . 

Maybe its not a big issue to tell , 

But for me , thats very big sacrifices to make me realize , that life isnt easy . 

Being friend with them make me feel like , 

Im worth it . 

Bcs of them , i dont want to move . 

Bcs of them , im being who i am . 

Bcs of them too , i through my days with no more fake smiles , no more unseen tears , no more acting laughs . 

Im so glad , im so happy . 

Allah sends me people who can take a good care on me . Thanks Lord . 

I admitted i cried in hostel . 

I cried bcs im feeling worth it . 

I just found my life . 

You know that feeling when you meet someone that you loved the most . 

And now im feeling those things . 

Im so sorry to 6 all of you , if i did something wrong . 

No . Not if . 

I always did wrong things towards 6 of you . 

I used to tease all of you . 

I used to say harsh words . 

All i want to say is , my truly sorry . 

Sorry a lot babies . 

Declaring all of you as my bestfriends is a must . 

Thanks for everything okay ? 

Thank you so much . 

I cant do the same things what you did on me , 

But i swear , 

I'll do my best . 

So again , im so sorry . 

I made mistakes , i admit that im not a perfect friend , but when i say sorry , i truly mean it . 

Its 4 years already being friends and lets count together .

So yeah , bye . 

*p/s : im not good in words okay . This is all i can . Ahak

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